Academic, Service, and Leadership Awards

Academic, Service, and Leadership Awards

Tulane University

Full Tuition


Stamps Scholarship

The Stamps Scholarship covers our total cost of attendance (including tuition, fees, housing, and meals) and provides an enrichment fund to support endeavors such as study abroad, undergraduate research, academic or co-curricular conferences, and unpaid internships. This award is made possible by generous funding by the Stamps Scholars Program - a nationally prestigious scholarship program - and fund matching by Tulane. Finalists will be invited to interview in the spring. Approximately 5 Stamps Scholarships are awarded each year.

Deans’ Honor Scholarship & Paul Tulane Award

These are Tulane’s signature full-tuition scholarships recognizing our most outstanding students across all academic areas of interest. Winners are notified in late February.

Note: Typical recipients over the last 3 years have had an ACT of 33+, an SAT score of 1500+, and/or a core, unweighted GPA of 3.7+, in addition to well-crafted scholarship applications. Test scores are not required to be considered for the Deans’ Honor Scholarship or Paul Tulane Award.

Community Service Fellowship

This award comes with an offering to join a cohort of active and engaged Community Service Fellows on campus who: attend monthly group meetings; complete an average of 100 service & leadership hours per year; learn to be dynamic leaders, community advocates, and service ambassadors; and regularly access resources and guidance from the Center for Public Service. Select Community Service fellows will be considered for full-tuition scholarships including the Sotomayor Public Service Scholarship and the Weatherhead Scholarship.

Separate application required

