Nancy Susan Reynolds Scholarship

Nancy Susan Reynolds Scholarship

Wake Forest University

Full Ride


Nancy Susan Reynolds Scholars must be not only excellent students and promising scholars, but also creative leaders who are able to influence others in directions likely to benefit society. They will have achieved unusual distinction in the classroom and beyond. Successful applicants have pursued the most challenging curriculum available to them and have achieved grade point averages and standardized test scores (if submitted) that place them in the top percentage in comparison to their peers. Further, Reynolds Scholars have typically been leaders in a variety of extracurricular pursuits and won recognition for their interests at the regional, state, or national level.

Reynolds Scholarships have been awarded since 1982, and up to five Reynolds Scholars are chosen annually. Each Reynolds Scholarship covers the annual cost of tuition, room, and board, plus $3,400 for personal expenses. Reynolds Scholars are encouraged to apply for up to $5,000 for a research, study, or travel project during each of the three summers between the first and senior years.

